News & Announcements

11th Panhellenic Violin Competition

19 Feb 2024

Announcement of the 5th Marilena Laskaridis Literary Competition 2023-2024 - Extension

19 Feb 2024

Spyridon Loverdos Library

14 Feb 2024

Participation in exhibition at the National Library of Brera in Milan

31 Jan 2024

The new educational programs for Primary Education 2023-2024

23 Jan 2024

Participation in the exhibition of the Museum of Cycladic Art for Chaeronia

22 Jan 2024

Colloquium: “Greek Palaeography and the Manuscript Collection of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki”

18 Jan 2024

Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation awarded by Médecins du Monde

14 Dec 2023

Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam 2023-2024

14 Dec 2023

Announcement of the 12th Panhellenic "Kaiti Laskaridis" Literary Competition 2023-2024

30 Nov 2023