Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation-Online training:

Online training: "Prevention of childhood abuse and gender-based violence"

Training cycle of seven meetings on the prevention of child abuse and gender-based violence with specialized speakers.

The Akaterini Laskaridis Foundation organizes a training cycle of seven (7) online meetings on the prevention of child abuse and gender-based violence. The seminar will provide a general overview and identification of the phenomenon of child abuse, discuss the basic indications of abuse in children, the role of stereotypes and perceptions in the issue of violence and gender stereotypes, abusive behavior in adolescent relationships, as well as the dangers of the internet.

In order to participate in the seminar it is necessary to complete the online application.

The seminar will be completed in seven (7) two-hour meetings that will take place online and is addressed to any interested party.

Participants will be given a certificate of attendance.

Participation fee: 60 euros (for all meetings)

Students: 35 euros (upon presentation of student ID)

Unemployed: Free (with presentation of unemployment card)

For your participation, it is necessary until November 8, 2024 to deposit the amount of money in the bank account IBAN GR56 0260 2460 0000 3020 0244 833, EUROBANK, with the indication in the reason “For Mental Health Department” and send us the deposit receipt to email.

(conducted in greek)

1st Meeting (13/11/24): General overview of the phenomenon of child abuse.

2nd Meeting (20/11/24): Key signs of child abuse.

3rd Meeting (5/12/24): The management of the incident at school.

4th Meeting (11/12/24): The management of the incident – the legal side.

5th Meeting (18/12/24): Formation of gender perceptions. The role of family, community and social media. Interventions and prevention.

6th Meeting (8/1/25): The dangers of the internet and its safe use to prevent incidents of abuse and violence.

7th Meeting (15/1/25): Sexual abuse prevention and empowerment in people on the autism spectrum.