Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation-Online Book Club - Series of 6 meetings

Online Book Club - Series of 6

Reading books that break down the boundaries of children's and adult literature!

6 monthly online meetings aimed at adults. We read and discuss landmark books that break down the boundaries between children’s and adult literature. Books that were born for adults but loved very much by children and vice versa. We trace the qualities and characteristics that make a story inter-age and timeless. We discuss the infinite transformations of these stories through time.

Speakers: Eleni Svoronou, Writer – Philologist, Maria Angelidou, Writer – Translator


Dates: 15/1/24, 12/2/24, 11/3/24, 15/4/24, 13/5/24 & 10/6/24

Duration of each meeting: 120′, Monday, 18.00 – 20.00

Number of participants: 30

Registration required! 

(conducted in greek)