A panorama of travel illustrations –more than 23,000 images– from travel accounts (15th-19th centuries), indexed and documented in Greek, English and Turkish, awaits all visitors to discover its diverse material.
Missions and Explorations in the Eastern Mediterranean,
1500 -1830
An online database of travellers’ accounts in the Eastern Mediterranean
from the early 16th century up to 1830. The project is realized in collaboration with the Gennadius Library of ASCSA.
*First prize in the 2022 International Digital Humanities Awards Competition (category: Best project for the promotion of sources, Best DH Dataset).
An online traveller's map, aiming to promote the Hellenic world as well as at acquainting the general public with rare archival material. With an emphasis on Greek civilization, the app creates a dialogue on history through rare sources with the wider public.
*First prize in the 2022 International Digital Humanities Awards Competition (category: Best application for the promotion of data, Best DH Data Visualization).
a unique mobile application to link students and travelers to the primary sources that define Greek history and give the Greek landscape its unique meaning. Διατίθεται δωρεάν για συσκευές Android και iOS.
* First prize in the 2016 International Digital Humanities Awards Competition (category: Best Use DH Public Engagement).
Mapping Incunabula in Greek Libraries
A journey throughout Greece, in search of surviving 15th-century books
A digital tool, which presents the dispersion of incunables in Greek libraries. It is a comprehensive digital tool that will aid research around the circulation of texts in Greece from the 16th century onwards, the commercial networks and economic value of books, the production of printed books aimed at a Greek-speaking audience, the identity of readers and significant personalities that played a part in the creation of significant Greek libraries that continue their work to the present day.
We bid farewell to the former Prime Minister and donor of the Historical Library, Konstantinos Simitis
08 Jan 2025
Greek participation in a research expedition to Antarctica with the support of Laskaridis Shipping Co. Ltd
07 Jan 2025
Academy of Athens publication award
20 Dec 2024
Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam 2025-2026
19 Dec 2024
Rethinking Economic Theory (RET) International Workshop 2024
18 Dec 2024
Visiting research fellowships at Amsterdam University
As part of supporting the operation of the "Marilena Laskaridis" Endowed Chair of Modern Greek Studies, the Foundation offers scholarships for visiting researchers at the University of Amsterdam every year, with the aim of promoting research in the field of Modern Greek Studies.
“Ismini Karter” Violin Scolarship
The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, actively supporting the field of music education, organizes since 2013 a Panhellenic Competition for the granting of scholarships for violin studies abroad for obtaining a Bachelor or Master’s degree.