The library was incorporated into the Foundation in 2021 and consists of approximately 3,500 items. Its subject matters cover the art of Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Near East, with an emphasis on sculpture and vase painting. Additionally, it includes museum catalogues and a significant section dedicated to the forgery of ancient artworks and legal issues related to the possession and trade of antiquities.
The library of Professor Jerome Eisenberg
Jerome M. Eisenberg (1930-2022) was an American art historian, dealer, and appraiser of antiquities and artworks. He studied geology and pursued postgraduate and doctoral studies in archaeology and the history of ancient art. He founded and directed the Royal-Athena Galleries in New York and London from 1942 until 2020. He taught as a visiting professor of ancient art history at the Universities of New York and Leipzig. He wrote numerous articles on archaeology, numismatics, and ancient art. From 1990 to 2009, he was the editor of the archaeological journal ‘Minerva’. He collaborated with many American museums as a dealer of ancient artworks and with other public and private American entities as an appraiser and expert witness. He was a fervent advocate of the legal and ethical trade of antiquities and participated in related American and international committees.