The library of journalist and businessman Themistoklis Vokos


Number of items: 1950

The library came to the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation in 2013 and contains a variety of books, mainly literature and history.

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Themistocles Vokos was born in Athens in 1939 and began his professional career in 1957 as a journalist. He worked for the weekly newspaper “Nautiliaki” and as a correspondent for international newspapers and magazines in Greece and abroad. Later, he founded a series of companies involved in publishing, organizing exhibitions and conferences, business consulting, management training, and market research, with offices worldwide. He is the co-founder and president of Posidonia Exhibitions, which has been organizing the international shipping exhibition Posidonia in Greece since 1969. He founded the Seatrade organization in the UK and the Seatrade Academy in Cambridge. He was among the pioneers active in the emerging market of China, publishing magazines in the Chinese language under whose aegis a series of business conferences were organized in the 1980s. He has been given several awards multiple times by international organizations. He is a member of the Tall Ships Youth Trust, a non-profit organization in the UK dedicated to the education and reintegration of youth through sailing activities, and he is a member and supporter of the environmental organization Hellenic Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage. (Source: