The library of Professor Michalis Psalidopoulos


Number of items: 692

The library of Michalis Psalidopoulos was donated by him to the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation in 2019 and comprises approximately 700 items. The subjects it covers include economic history and the history of economic theories, with an emphasis on the relationship between economic thought and economic policy. Key items in the collection concern international relations, Keynesian economics, microeconomics, monetary policy, and banking operations, and there are also items of modern Greek and foreign literature. The languages of the publications are Greek, English, German, and, to a lesser extent, Spanish.

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Michalis M. Psalidopoulos is an Professor Emeritus of History of Economic Theories in the Department of Economics at the University of Athens. He studied Economics at the University of Athens and the Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin). He served as a consultant at the German Development Institute and as a lecturer at the Free University of Berlin (1977-1979), a scientific collaborator and faculty member in the Departments of Public Administration and Sociology at Panteion University (1981-2005), a Fulbright Fellow at Duke University (1992-1993), a Stanley F. Seeger Fellow at Princeton University (1996), and a Visiting Research Professor at King’s College London (1997-1998). He has been a member of the Scientific Council of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (2000-2006) and is also a member of the History of Economics Society in the USA and the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia. His research interests focus on the development of economic thought in Greece and the relationship between economic thought and economic policy internationally. He has written and edited books and articles on the economic thought of the 19th and 20th centuries in both Greek and English.