Collection of academic periodicals of Balkan and Southeast European Studies


Number of items: 3071

The Collection of Academic Periodicals on Balkan and Southeast European Studies is a rare compilation of specialized scientific and academic international journals, focusing primarily on the history and culture of the Balkan peoples and Southeast Europe. The thematic categories include literature, archaeology, philology, history, and linguistics. Most editions in the collection were published between 1960 and 1990, with some dating back further. These multilingual journals (in Romanian, Bulgarian, French, English, Albanian) were published by prestigious academies, scientific institutes, and universities across Europe and the Balkans, particularly in Bulgaria and Romania, which have a long-standing tradition in these disciplines. Several issues bear the stamp of their previous owner, the “Centre of Studies of Southeastern Europe.” The collection was transferred to the Laskaridis Foundation in two phases, in 2019 and 2023.

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