Marilena Laskaridis Endowed Chair of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam
The Marilena Laskaridis Endowed Chair of Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam was established by the Dutch Society of Modern Greek Studies and is chiefly financed by the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation. The Chair bears the name of the late Marilena Laskaridis, former Vice-President of the Foundation. Aiming to promote research in the field of Modern Greek Studies, the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation sponsors every year visiting research fellowships at Amsterdam University.
Visiting Professor Chair “Marilena Laskaridis” at Tsinghua University of Beijing
In 2015, the Visiting Professor Chair “Marilena Laskaridis” was established at Tsinghua University of Beijing. As part of the Chair’s operation, the Foundation is sending Greek academics to Tsinghua and welcomes students and postgraduates from the pristine Chinese University of Greek university professors to Tsinghua and the reception of students and postgraduates of the Chinese University.
In collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
The Centre for China Studies was established in 2019, in the spirit of cooperation and the promotion of cultural and academic relations between the two countries, focusing on Humanities and Social Sciences.
An Agreement of Cooperation was signed between the National Museum of the Royal Navy (NMRN) and the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, aiming at the promotion of naval heritage. Within the framework of this collaboration, joint activities will be organized in Greece and the UK, regarding nautical research and history.
University of Piraeus
Panteion University
The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. The programmatic cooperation of the two bodies on issues and objects of common interest and objectives, in accordance with the legislation governing their operation and mission, provides for the development of actions in the fields in which they operate in order to promote scientific research, the exchange of scientific knowledge and know-how. Joint organization of conferences and training seminars, elaboration of research programs, cooperation with universities abroad, free access to libraries are foreseen. Regarding the collections of the Historical Library of the Foundation, Professors and PhD Candidates of Panteion University are given the opportunity to research, depending on the subject of their research in the respective collection.
Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL)
The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation has been a member of CERL since 2016 and actively contributes to its activities in various ways.
Travel Trails is a database that gathers, classifies, and highlights the wealth of information contained in the texts of travelers of the Eastern Mediterranean starting from the 16th century until 1830.
The rich collection of rare travel books created by John Gennadius in London is the pillar of the Gennadius Library.
The Historical Library of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation and its specialization in similar research projects contributed to the reconfiguration of the original database of travel literature of the Gennadius Library.
We bid farewell to the former Prime Minister and donor of the Historical Library, Konstantinos Simitis
08 Jan 2025
Greek participation in a research expedition to Antarctica with the support of Laskaridis Shipping Co. Ltd
07 Jan 2025
Academy of Athens publication award
20 Dec 2024
Call for Postdoctoral Fellowships in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam 2025-2026
19 Dec 2024
Rethinking Economic Theory (RET) International Workshop 2024
18 Dec 2024
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Initiative 1821-2021
The consortium "Initiative 21" was formed for the celebration of the 200 years since the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence and is the result of the systematic cooperation of Greek public benefit, cultural and scientific institutions and the National Bank of Greece. After the successful completion of a diverse programme for the celebration, "Initiative 21" continues its activity with an emphasis on actions on Climate Change and the Environment.
BlueCycle applies innovative methods for the recycling and upgrading of marine plastic waste, based on the principles of the circular economy. Focusing mainly on the reuse of plastic fishing and shipping equipment, it has created a holistic program to tackle the problem of managing this waste, using cutting-edge technology.