Creative activities in our Lending Library! (conducted in greek)
The completion of the application form is necessary for all actions.
Activities for children:
- “Paper bites”
Bites of books and stories for toddlers.
The first contact with the world of books through narration, constructions, games, music and other activities.
We touch books, look at them, discover them and spend creative time with them.
Because we can love books before we even learn to read and write.
The program is addressed to children 2 to 4 years old.
Instructor: Evi Gerokosta, storyteller, writer
Days: 6 monthly meetings (with different topics)
06/11/23, 11/12/23, 15/01/24, 05/02/24, 04/03/24 & 01/04/24
Duration of each meeting: 60 ́, Monday: 18:00 – 19:00
Number of participants: 15 children and 15 parents
- “A world full of stories”
On the occasion of a book and through various creative activities, children will experiment, express themselves and come into contact with concepts and issues that concern and trouble them such as consent, diversity, self-esteem, bullying, environmental consciousness in a safe context.
The program is addressed to children 6 to 10 years old.
Speaker: Evi Kyriakides: psychologist, psychotherapist, group coordinator
Dates: 4 weekly meetings
11/11/23, 18/11/23, 25/11/23 & 02/12/23
Duration of each meeting: 120 ́, Saturday: 10.00 – 12.00
Number of participants: 15 children
- Travelling Bookcase: “Asia Minor Catastrophe, 1922: Knowing history through literature, art, play”
The Library Kit travels throughout Greece and is lent free of charge to libraries, institutions and other institutions as part of their educational programs.
Its purpose is to create a channel of communication between children and historical events, through a package of activities addressed to children aged 10-15.
For more information click here
- Literacy Competition: “A book invites you, a book challenges you”
The competition “A book invites you, a book challenges you” aims to enhance the love of reading and is addressed to children and adolescents 5-17 years old.
Participations until December 31.
Authors narrate their favorite books, which children are invited to listen to. Each book is accompanied by suggested activities. For every activity they complete, they earn points and gifts.
For more information click here
Don’t forget the scheduled visits to the Lending Library!
Visit the Lending Library and get to know it through secret routes. It is necessary to complete the relevant application. For more information click here
Activities for children and adults:
- “COMIC NARRATIVES: A comic book workshop with Soloup”
The aim of the workshop is to introduce participants to the creative world of comics, exploring all stages of their construction, and at the same time providing some basic theoretical and historical information about the “ninth art” by completing at the end of the meetings a comic book of their own.
The program is addressed to teenagers 12 – 18 years old.
Instructor: Soloυp (Antonis Nikolopoulos) – cartoonist, postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Aegean
Dates: 6 weekly meetings
13/01/24, 20/01/24, 27/01/24, 03/02/24, 10/02/24 & 17/2/24
Duration of each meeting: 120 ́, Saturday: 11.00 – 13.00
Number of participants: 20 people
- “Growing up with a book”
The aim of the workshop is self-knowledge, strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence, emotional cultivation and expression, developing mental resilience.
On the occasion of the book and through various experiential activities through Art Therapy, teenagers will explore their inner world and relationships with those around them.
The program is aimed at teenagers 12 to 18 years old.
Instructor: Areti Donou, Child Psychologist – Psychotherapist
Dates: 4 weekly meetings
17/02/24, 24/02/24, 02/03/24 & 09/03/24
Duration of each meeting: 120 ́,Saturday: 12.00 – 14.00
Number of participants: 20 children
Activities for adults:
- Online Reading Club: “Reading books that break down the boundaries of children’s and adult literature”

A cycle of 6 monthly online meetings aimed at adults, we read and discuss landmark books that break down the boundaries between children’s and adult literature.
Books that were “born” for adults but loved very much by children and vice versa. We trace the qualities and characteristics that make a story inter-age and timeless. We discuss the infinite transformations of these stories through time.
Speakers: Eleni Svoronou, writer – philologist and Maria Angelidou, writer – translator
Dates: 6 monthly online meetings
15/1/24, 12/2/24, 11/3/24, 15/4/24, 13/5/24 & 10/6/24
Duration of each meeting: 120′, Monday 18.00 – 20.00
Number of participants: 30 people
- Online Master Class/Adult Workshop, Creative Writing, Teenage and Cross Over Literature

A cycle of 4 weekly online meetings for adults aiming at acquaintance and familiarization with the techniques of writing literary texts that, although written by adult authors, are addressed, but also concern, young adult readers.
During the meetings, characteristic excerpts from Greek and foreign crossover literature will be analyzed, which will circle various adolescent concerns and concerns about family, the state, love, the other, but also the ‘I’.
Instructor: Manos Kontoleon, writer and literary critic
Dates: 4 weekly online meetings
8/2/24, 15/2/24, 22/2/24 & 29/2/24
Duration of each meeting: 120′, Thursday 17.30 – 19.30
Number of participants: 20 people