Digitization and Publication of the Greek section of the Archive of Lord Thomas Cochran

The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, in collaboration with the descendant of Lord Thomas Cochrane (Thomas Alexander Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald, 1775-1860), Lord Douglas Dundonald and the National Records of Scotland, in Edinburgh, undertook the project of digitization and publication of the Greek part of his Archive, which had remained sealed since his death until the beginning of the project.

Lord Cochrane was a British naval officer who saw significant action in the Latin American wars of independence. In April 1827, during the Greek Independence War, the National Assembly of Troizena elected him by decree “Leader of the Forces at Sea”. Andreas Miaoulis magnanimously handed over to him the Command of the Fleet, which he retained until December of that same year, when he left for England.

Supervision of the project was undertaken by the historians Dr. Katerina Galani and Dr. Konstantinos Thanasakis. The digital archive is available for study and exploitation.