Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation-Tales from the sea: The new website of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation sheds light on the deep!

Tales from the sea: The new website of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation sheds light on the deep!

What are the most important shipwrecks on the Greek seabed? What stories can lighthouses tell us? How many quarantine centers in Greece and how many have they welcomed over the centuries?

The website respond to them and comes to place on the map, in a systematic way now, all these sea stories that rarely appear in the bibliography.

Through the photographic collection of lighthouses of the President of the Foundation, Panagiotis C. Laskaridis the Greek lighthouse system acquires a new dimension. The publication of the Shipwrecks Foundation on the Greek seabed highlights in a unique way the 20 most important shipwrecks, while the extensive entries on lazaretta, with the seal of the Hellenic Institute of Maritime History (H.I.N.I.) restore parts of Greek history that were until now in the shadows.

 Nautilus is an original website that invites us to explore Greek maritime history from a different perspective. Nautilus will be enriched at regular intervals, aiming to become  an educational tool for students, visitors of the Greek seas and the wider public. Via the field  of communication, the participation of all those who have relevant material necessary for the reconstruction of Greek history.

The platform was created by the company 2monochannels ( with the aesthetic supervision of Synthesee (

The project was completed in the context of ESPA (i.e. PADF: Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework) 2014-2020 Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Business Program; with co-financing by the ETPA (i.e. ERDF, EU: European Regional Development Fund of the European Union).

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